3. september 2009

Long time no see

Very old, very lousy photo, from a night I really don't remember much from.
I do remember bitchig to the bartender when she said I couldn't have a martini. I could on the other hand have this Tequila Sunrise... Wierd.
And I snuck in Gabby, who was not 18 yet. We pretended to be a very affectionate, very drunk couple, and it worked. Hadn't really talked to him that much before that, and didn't really talk to him much after. Good night though, I think I made his night. Not that he should remember much eighter, I have to say.

6 kommentarer:

Eline sa...

Haha.. så kos :D

Anonym sa...

Ahaha! I can easily imagine this.

FridaTrollet sa...

jaaaa... fine kvelden... alt i baren til 35kr!! :D

Jeg drakk en blå drink! den var god!

Eline sa...

Skriv mer!!!

Trønder'n sa...

Blogg da kvinne! <3

Emilie Blue sa...

hehe, æ e i gang igjen!
morsom kveld, ja!

stjal taxien til noen fra handels^^