To the people responsible for the Harry Potter films:
It has recently been brought to my attention that Harry and Hermione are set to have a rather delicate scene in the last Harry Potter film.
A SEX SCENE that is!!!!
WTF?! (Eller FTW? som Tessa ville sagt.)
What is this crap??
I mean, I know you've been getting some competition from the sexiness of "Twilight" recently, but that is not a good enough reason to put a bloody sex scene in a "Harry Potter"film!! There IS no good reason to put a sex scene in a "Harry Potter" film.
And yes, there is some mention of Harry and Hermione kissing or whatever, but come ON!
Has every single little fracture of innocence been crushed out of the film industry? Can't a person want do anything anymore without there having sew shoved in there face?
And when did all of Hollywood become convinced that you had to have sex in a film for it to be successful at the box office? I mean really....
I'm sick of it. I really am. It's a fantasy film (sort of) for crying out loud!! It has wizards! And werewolves! And flying brooms and wands and owls and... well... Let's just say:
The people who go to see this film doesn't need a sex scene, the already have what the need!
And the people who DO need a sex scene to find a film interesting, well... Sorry to have to break it to you, but I think all the things I mentioned above will scare them away, to be honest.
They can go see some Blockbuster hit that's really just a very long warm up to the sex scene, and then a very sad attempt to "make up" for the sex scene by making the poor pretty actors overact and scream a lot/cry hysterically for about 20 min.
And to quote the preachers wife in The Simpsons, "Won't somebody think of the children?"
I grew up with Harry Potter. Some of my best childhood memories involve Harry Potter. And some of my best recent memories as well, but that's beside the point.
I feel like you're contaminating my childhood, made everything about sex.
Shame on you, director/producer/script writer/Hollywood.
Shame on you.

(And yes, I know Malfoy has nothing to do with this, but I wanted to have a picture of him here anyway. Besides, if anyone is gonna have a sex scene, it should soooo be him)
4 kommentarer:
lol!! :D Eniiiiiig, var akkurat det jeg også tenkte... hvem i alle dager vil vel se sex-scene med Harry og Hermione?! det er jo bare ekkelt
Men hvem skal søteste, kjæreste draco ha sex med da?! :P
... foresten kan godt gamlefar malfoy også få ha en sex scene (jaaa, jeg er rar og har malfoyfetish... jeg skylder på http://acciobrain.ligermagic.com/silly.php )
men for å være seriøs et sekund, er jeg helt enig, det trengs virkelig ikke - det er viktigere elementer i en fantasy-ish fortelling enn sex...!!
Jeg kan godt ha en sekz-scene med malfoy. han er hawt!
Og ja, æsj, harry og hermine skal ikke ha sex. Det er jo like unaturlig som en enhjørning med soppvekst!
min lille, dette utrolig kloke brevet ma du maile til noen IDIOTER som kaller seg for produsenter/ script writer/ whatever i Hollywood og kanskje de ombestemmer seg? ogsa kan du godt slenge med min signatur! I'm behind you on the attack of these morons! (hehe, moron er et funny ord som jeg laerte av Kelly Bundy)
god jul/ yule
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