It's been over a week since my last blogg, and I am ashamed..
But I've just had so much to do... so I kind of went in to some kind of I-don't-want-to-do -anything-anymore-coma.
It's been crazy with school, may 17th, allergy, and now EXAMS...
So I'm sorry, I will not let school and pollen get in the way of my blogging ever again.
To make things alright again with you all, 'cos I know y'all been dying to know what I've been doing for the last 10 days, Nat, I will give a short summary of all my strange notions the last week and a half:
Well, for a while, I've mostly just sat at home doing homework. A lot of drama related stuff, a reflection on our latest performance and stuff like that. 4 pages on voice production, plastic, body language and other drama freak-related shit. Lovely.
Then came may 17th!
Wohoo. That was fun:) It rained a lot, but the sun came out eventually so it was alright.
That was a busy day for me.
First I had some friends over for breakfast and Champagne
It was yummy.
Then we went out and joined the children's parade, crashed Foss's section, and killed out feet.

Yes, I am the one in the middle..

Look at all the beautiful Bunads (National costumes)...
I love mine so much, I got it from a friend of mine this year, in exchange for two ice creams.
I love her.

After a couple of hours your feet really hurt, it's the curse for may 17th. I had to turn to my friend Compeed to be able to walk the rest of the day... And I wasn't even wearing heals. I wore Vans!
Then it was party time!
We got together with a lot of people in Kubaparken. Most of them I didn't know, all MY friends decided to be boring and not come, but I met some really cool people.

I got attacked by some very intimate guys at one point. They're nice, but I need my space...
Nah, nah, I love them too.
And then to the highlight of the whole night, by far:

We met Aslak from Gatas Parlament!
Oh, yeah. He came over to sell he's new EP, and he ended up hanging with out with us for a while. He was really cool. Nice, even.
I know it's a bit tacky taking your picture with famous people, but he is just THAT cool.
The night had it's highs and lows, just like any other good night.
And anyway, it was a hell of a lot better than last year.

Christine knows how to pose. And how to dance, but that's another story.
And that was my may 17th.
2 kommentarer:
Kom du opp i noe skriftlig? Jeg kom opp i matte. Jeg vil seriøst dø.
jeg kom opp i spansk... jeg er alerede død. døde da jeg så lappen henge på oppslagstavla på skolen.
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