31. oktober 2009

30. oktober 2009

Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw

Last night, October 29th, I watched the 1989 cult classic "Heathers", featuring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. And October 29th just happens to be Winona's birthday. Coincidence? I don't think so.
The movie is a High School flick from hell where the sweet teenage world, made famous by John Huges, meets dark indie humour and a lot of dead teenagers. You can actually say it's very anti-Huges.
I love it! I mean I would have loved it just for the amazing clothes and Winona alone, but the film is genius! You take a typical High School film, and you ad suicide, guns, slushies, a rebel with a very strong cause, and teenage angst, and you have the perfect cult film.

Winona's character Veronica falls in love with the mysterious, dark, "I hate all people my age 'cause they are sooo immature and I couldn't care less about anyone 'cause I'm so dark and mysterious and I read books and I'm really smart but people don't get me", rebel J.D. played by Slater.
They fall in love, and before you know it Veronica's best friend/the bitch who is making her life miserable is found dead by suicide, and not long after that the two biggest dickheads on the football team are also found dead by suicide.
Coincidence? I don't think so!

Everyone who is the least bit interested in film should see "Heathers", that's my opinion.
Not only will you enjoy the clothes, the plot, the High School feeling, and well, the pretty people, the dialogue is priceless. Any film where a preppy Queen Bee of the school says " Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw", is truly a work of literary art! This sentence has become a famous quote, and you can find it in films and TV-shows to this day, as a tribute to this cult classic.
"Greetings and salutations" is another quote form this film, made famous by Christian Slater.
But again, I have yo mention the clothes. Can anyone PLEASE tell me where I can get Winona's wardrobe from this film?

So in conclusion, if you appreciate films for the 80's, or cult films in general, or dark humor a la Tarantino, or you just want a good film to watch some Friday night, "Heathers" is my recommendation to you! It has everything:)
And if you don't like it, well then you can just go back to "American Pie" number 23, and stay behind in the uneducated, uncultivated dark. And don't you ever come in to my video store asking for "American Pie" number 24: "The Frap Party". Like no one's done THAT before...

28. oktober 2009

26. oktober 2009

I'm happy

Sometimes so little can make such a big difference.

24. oktober 2009


Again, I don't mean to spend so much money here. But...
I mean, hello! I found Heathers!!

I now, finally, own the Twilight Soundtrack. And this Kings of Leon album is just the best, you should take a listen.

Mmmm. I smell like fruit salad now<3>

22. oktober 2009

19. oktober 2009

because all I have left, is the voice of the wind, blowing through the doors, our house!

First look at my house in South Africa:)
I've been told I live like a king. I don't disagree.

16. oktober 2009

First shopping trip in SA! I'm not here to spend money, but sometimes you just see something you gotta have. Right?

Got these beautiful earrings for 100 Rands, about 80 NOK.
(No, they are not hand made I'm afraid)

I bought these beads at an African marked in Johannesburg. So cheap, and I can have so much fun with them:) I smell Christmas presents!

Though I'm not here to spend money, I have been doing some shopping here already, I have to admit. But I have bought some really cool things, so it's okey. I consider some of them as a good investment really. So hah.

13. oktober 2009

I feel blue over green....

Green Day, that is.
Last night Green Day played a show in Oslo, and they got great reviews!
Dagbladet gave them a 6 out of 6 for crying out loud...
And where was I?
(Well, I was enjoying cheese and wine with my aunt and uncle and their friend, but still!)
I was NOT in Oslo, I was in South Africa, possibly the furthest away you can be from Oslo.
And I really wanted to go. I've loved Green day since I was 13, and always wanted to see them live. Hopefully they'll do another show in Norway soon. And hopefully I'll be in the country!
To all of you who were there, I'm soooo jealous. Tell me about it, please!
Was it great? Was it grand? Was it thousands of semi-drunken punk rockers gathered together singing old classics, mosh pitting and jumping around in pure ecstasy? Was it filled with adrenalin?

12. oktober 2009

Ja, vi elsker

Hello again!
So sorry about the lack of photos, I really am. But this whole MAC thing is hard to get in to, and all the software that has to be installed is like wow, too much. But to night my uncle is helping me, so soon, my friends, soon!
BUT! The beautiful thing about MAC is: Photo Booth:D

Been having loads of fun with that!
You'll get a lot of those photos in the future.

But on to the thing I really wanted to talk about. Language.
As you all can see I'm writing in English, 'cause I feel like it. But now, so far away from home, I'm beginning to think about writing in Norwegian again... But I really don't know. It's really good training for me to wright in English. But then again it would be really good training for me to write in Norwegian too, since I'm no longer in school and all.
So I'm gonna let you decide. Is it okey for you if I go back to writing in Norwegian?

Ok, what I'm really asking; is there anybody out there who reads this blog from time to time, who doesn't understand Norwegian? And would like me to keep it in the Queens language? LET ME KNOW!!
(same question goes for all you Norwegians, you wanna read this in English or Norwegian from now on?)

Again, let me know, aight?

8. oktober 2009


Hello all!!!

Guess where I am right now? Yupp, you guessed it:) I'm in South Africa, in the beautiful city of Pretoria. I arrived on Tuesday morning, after the longest flight ever, but I had my own TV, so it was cool:)
Haven't been doing so much really, so nothing fun to wright about yet, but today I went to a marked in Johannesburg. That was fun. Going back on a Sunday sometime, because then it gets like 5 times bigger.

Having some trouble uploading photos, but rest assured, I'm working on it! By the weekend I'll have something for you!

2. oktober 2009


Computer's been almost-crashing slow the last couple of days. Sorry.
Not my fault though! Not my fault.
And I've been sick. Think I caught whatever my computer has...
I'll get back to you tomorrow.

Sleep tight my darlings.