26. juni 2009
23. juni 2009
12. juni 2009
how to study for your final exams:
The entire day before your exam: You read, read, read and read
Around 02.00: Realizing that no, it was just the caffeine talking, and that you're truly and utterly butt fucked. State of mind: freaking the fuck out.
04.00/04.30: Fuck this, I'm going to Hogwarts/ Screw this, this is stupid and I just wanna be a filmmaker.
05.00: Third Burn, and time to work, 'cause you really can't fail this shit...
05:30-80.40: Seriously hitting the books, make the presentation, memorize your notes, ignore your hands shaking, the nausea, the tiredness, and the fact that you can't really breathe at all, and tell yourself that this is going to be fine. You know this stuff.
11.30: Have the exam, and fucking ACE IT!!! I got a 6 on my last exam, talk about finishing with a bang! :)
The rest of the day until morning: party like you just aced an exam, and finfished twelve years of school!!!!
(old photo, but you get the picture)
About 23.00: You find out that this is harder than you thought, and my God, is that a panic attack you feel coming on?

00.30: You feel the stress, and you're not that far from crying. Not a chance in hell you're sleeping tonight, so cue Burn no. 1

01.30: "Wait, is that an idea?" While you sip on the second Burn of the night, you briefly fall under the impression that you had an idea, and this is all going to go fine.

The rest of the day until morning: party like you just aced an exam, and finfished twelve years of school!!!!

11. juni 2009
Yesterday, dirty julie stayed at my house for the night, so we could hang out and catch up and stuff, it's been too long! She was in town for some important shit, but fund time to wander the streets with me:)
While we were stroling down theresesgate, we met Vanda, who's just started up a blog, and made us her first victims/trend objects.
I have to say, Julie looked a hell of a lot better the me though...

9. juni 2009
in less than 10 hours at the most...
... I'll be finishing my last exam ever in my 12 years of basic education.

My last one ever.
And I'm so excited by that fact that I can't concentrate on finishing up my presentation for tomorrow. But screw it.
By the time the crapy grade really hits me, I'll be to drunk on champagne to care. I hope.
I can't believe i actually got trough the entire 12 years, but I did. Barely, but I did.
So 1000 motherfucking snaps for me, bitches!
You'd think that after 12 years of education and widening my horizon and gaining debth and all that, I'd have somethin poetic and nostalgic and insightful to say about what I've learned over the last deacade or so of my life, but no.
This is what I will say, this is my conclusion:
School really, really sux!
So screw you guys, I'm going home. To get loaded.
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