19. mai 2009

broken spirit

I miss this...
* Walking home while watching the sky slowly brighten
* Falling asleep to the sound of birds and my neighbour getting ready for work
* All the smal-but-big moments
* Dancing all nigth
* Permanent marker
* Whiskers
* And God damn it, I miss my red pants

18. mai 2009


Yeah... So I was drunk when i took these photos... and I took them with my phone.
Rybak in my <3
Når du får russen til å sitte inne på 16. mai og se på Grand Prix, da har du faen meg klart det, mann.

Right about here we won the whole thing, and everyone is jumpung off their seat.

Eline is pleased with the outcome of the evening

The suspence was just too much for Kristian, it was just too much.

We get yet another 12 pointer.

Keep your eyeballs peeled guys! (picture taken at an pretty early stage of the night)

16. mai 2009

up in flames...?

When the night doesn't turn out exactly the way you thought and wanted, you go with the flow, and have the gratest night in a long time


13. mai 2009

plutselig russetid 1

With my days filled with drinking, patying, shooting commercials, music and homework, this blog has been a wee bit neglected.
But I had an awesome time!